Focus on What Matters

The Nurturing Center


Not Enough Space

The Nurturing Center needed more space.  Transaction documents for services, vendor POs and child care scholarship documentation had to be retained for the requisite years as prescribed by federal law.  However, their quaint home-turned-office building was already bursting at the seams as the community and the nonprofit organization were both rapidly expanding. The solution? Important documents were kept at a storage unit a few blocks away from the office.  This temporary solution made it difficult for staff to access the documents when they needed them or destroy them when allowed as the oldest boxes were always at the back of the storage unit behind a wall of newer boxes.


Not Enough Time

As the organization prepared to move from their turn-of-the-century residence to a modern office building, the decision was made to have the boxes in the storage unit relocated to Global Archive’s warehouse where they would be safe from water damage or other challenges. Global Archives consulted with the CFO about her needs and the related retention requirements then loaded the boxes in a truck and relocated them to the warehouse. The boxes were sorted by document type, year and retention schedule requirements. After being indexed, labeled and barcoded the boxes were organized in a way that Global Archives staff could easily locate, scan and send by secure email any document that the Nurturing Center might need.


Easy Solutions

The result? No more trips to the storage unit or moving 20 boxes to get to the back row. Just a quick call to Global Archives who will locate, scan and email the document in a short time. Now once per quarter Global Archives’ truck picks up the Nurturing Center’s boxes of files that have been labeled according to their system. Global Archives’ delivery man places barcode stickers on each box and transports them to the warehouse where they are organized by year and document type.

By insuring that this necessary organizing is done regularly by Global Archives, the Nurturing Center Staff is free to focus on what really matters; children, their care and their parents’ needs.